musical harmony

musical harmonymusical harmony
  1. As the chakras of your body 's system glimmer , their Light resonates a glorious musical harmony .


  2. He believes that music contains the essential factor - " harmony " , if the musical " harmony " were brought into the whole universal society , the whole society would develop harmoniously .


  3. Cage was an iconoclast . He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure .


  4. Cage was an iconoclast.He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure .


  5. This thesis gives an introduction to its composing background and a detailed analysis of its musical form , harmony and playing features .


  6. It 's more important to combine some music analysis methods such as musical form and harmony according to music characteristics of different creation means and point out relative music expressions .


  7. The present writer analyses creation methods and artistic feature of this cycle by examples through studying the musical form , harmony , tonality and rhythm of this work .


  8. In this paper , I Analyzed this solo works from musical form , harmony , tone and tonal relations and filled the remained research questions of the pipa playing techniques and the ongoing creation .


  9. Are involved in the research process : musical form , harmony , piano accompaniment texture , form , mode and tone of the layout of the piano vocal melody and texture in the melody composed of two Vice-Ministry of digital audio technologies such as composition theory .
